

 Vara says that when she and her son returned to the main room of the house, they had bullets in their AC.

Nora was about to tell her son to turn down the volume on the TV because the noise from his action video game was too loud.

However, the mother of two realized that the sound of bullets coming to her was not from her son's video game, but from the actual shooting outside the house.

Nora (pseudonym) and her family were watching a bank robbery in the southern Brazilian city of Cricioma. The operation took place around midnight on November 30.

In the next two hours, 40 people took control of the city of about 200,000. The gang was heavily armed.

Police told the news channels that CCTV footage showed an assailant with a rocket launcher capable of shooting down planes. Police say the gang used sophisticated tactics to target various banks and ATMs in the city center.


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